What's new
19 December 2024
Tenancy Tribunal Fee
Map has been updated to reflect that on 1 July 2024, the Tenancy tribunal fee increased to $27 to better reflect the costs of administering courts and tribunals.
- Advance Payment of Benefit Payment categories
- Recoverable Assistance Payment Payment categories
10 December 2024
Emergency Housing Grant
Map has been updated to make the following clearer for staff:
- warnings (when a client has not met their responsibilities and does not have a good and sufficient reason) only apply to the same emergency housing event
- if a client has caused or contributed to their immediate emergency housing need, MSD may determine it is the same emergency housing event. In this case, the warnings from the previous event would still apply
- setting reasonable activities based on the clients’ circumstances
- if a client applies late for an Emergency Housing Grant, MSD can only grant it from the date of their application
9 December 2024
Accommodation Supplement Commencement Date
Map has been updated to show that:
- when a client applies for a main benefit and Accommodation Supplement at the same time and has a stand-down, the accommodation supplement commences on the day after the stand-down ends, and
- the “28-day rule” for backdating Accommodation Supplement is not supported by legislation or policy and this page is being removed from MAP
- Accommodation Supplement Commencement date
The 28-day rule and initial stand-down
Map has been updated to ensure that clients who are not subject to an initial stand down at application, cannot have the 28-day rule applied.
- Emergency Benefit No stand-down applies
- Emergency Benefit 28-day rule for clients with an initial stand down
- Emergency Maintenance Allowance No stand-down applies
- Emergency Maintenance Allowance 28-day rule for clients with an initial stand down
- Jobseeker Support No stand-down applies
- Jobseeker Support 28-day rule for clients with an initial stand down
- Jobseeker Support Student Hardship No stand-down applies
- Jobseeker Support Student Hardship 28-day rule for clients with an initial stand down
- Sole Parent Support No stand-down applies
- Sole Parent Support 28-day rule for clients with an initial stand down
- Supported Living Payment No stand-down applies
- Supported Living Payment 28-day rule for clients with an initial stand down
- Young Parent Payment No stand-down applies
- Young Parent Payment 28-day rule for clients with an initial stand down
- Youth Payment No stand-down applies
- Youth Payment 28-day rule for clients with an initial stand down