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1 July 2024

Housing Support Products 

The Housing Support Programme has been expanded to extend eligibility to cover some accommodation arrangements that the Residential Tenancy Act 1986 does not apply to.  

Moving Costs Grant, Accommodation Costs in Advance Grant (previously Rent in Advance Grant) and Accommodation Costs Arrears Grant (previously Rent Arrears Grant) are being expanded. 


    A new product, Accommodation Security Cover Grant, has been introduced for clients moving into accommodation that the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 does not apply to. This serves a similar purpose as a bond payment but will be paid at the end of the accommodation agreement if there are outstanding accommodation costs and expenses. 


    Ministry of Health prescription reinstatement  

    From 1 July 2024, the $5.00 co-payment on fully subsidised prescriptions from publicly funded health providers will be reintroduced. The $5.00 co-payment will continue to be waived for people who:  

    • are under 14 years old 
    • hold a CSC, including their dependents aged 14-17 years old, and 
    • are 65 years or older. 

    This may affect clients that get Disability Allowance, Temporary Additional Support and Special Benefit. Clients who hold a Community Services Card will also be impacted by this change. Clients may see a change in their prescription costs and their entitlement to support.  


    Christchurch Mosques Attack assistance  

    On 30 June 2024 the Christchurch Mosques Attack Welfare programme expired, and no further payments of Christchurch Mosques Attack assistance will be made.   


    Residential Care Subsidy annual general adjustment  

    On 1 July 2024, the Residential Care Subsidy income and asset thresholds, income from asset exemptions, and the allowable gifting amount increase because of the annual general adjustments to benefits and pensions. 


    Training Incentive Allowance  

    Training Incentive Allowance was extended to levels 4-7 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2025. This change has now been made permanent.  


    28 June 2024

    Temporary Accommodation Assistance

    The Temporary Accommodation Assistance programme is being extended. The end date of the programme is 30 June 2025.
