Earlier changes

What's new

10 March 2025

Inland Revenue number validation

Map has been updated to clarify the Inland Revenue number validation requirements. This includes guidance about when MSD:

  • should request a client's (or partner's) IRD number
  • can reasonably require evidence of an IRD number
  • can issue a notice requiring IRD number evidence
  • should not request an IRD number or evidence of one
  • must extend the application period if MSD requests an IRD number, or IRD number evidence, 11 or more days into the 20-day application period

The guidance includes these new pages:


7 March 2025

Jobseeker Support and Emergency Benefit - Hospitalisation

The hospitalisation guidance for Jobseeker Support and Emergency Benefit has been updated to reflect that a payment rate reduction to the hospital rate also applies to partners who have been in hospital for more than 13 weeks. There are no policy changes. See:

The SWIFTT information about adding exemptions has also been removed from these pages.