Work homepage
We can help you get ready to apply and find the right job for you. We can even help you while you're working.
Get ready to work
You can get training, help with CVs and cover letters, and advice for job interviews.
Find jobs
Find out what jobs are available, which job is best for you and how you can plan your career.
Whether you've just started a job or need some help at work, we've got your back.
Lost your job
We'll help you get ready to find a new job and support you while you're between jobs.
Start your own business
Get help to plan and set up a successful business or be a self-employed contractor.
Benefits and payments homepage
Take a look at the range of benefits and payments we have available.
Not working
Redundancy, health condition or disability or another reason you can’t work
Living expenses
Food, school costs, power, accommodation or other living expenses you need help with
Relationship changes
You’ve had a relationship break-up, family breakdown or violent relationship end
Health and Disability
Counselling, prescription and GP costs, medical alarms and other costs we can help with
Travelling overseas, how to apply, payment rates and dates, overseas pensions, income and other info for Seniors
Caring for someone else’s child or someone with a health condition, injury or disability
Urgent or unexpected costs
Dental, glasses, car repairs, fridge, washing machine, funeral or other urgent costs you need help with
Childcare, school uniforms, stationery, having a baby and other costs if you have children
Moving to New Zealand
Payments you can get from us, settling into NZ, overseas pensions and more.
Benefits and forms
A-Z list of benefits, forms, benefit rates
On a benefit homepage
Check out what you need to do when you're getting a benefit or other payment from us.
Something's changed
Address, contact details, overseas travel, childcare, relationship or anything else that’s changed.
Declare income and income deduction tables
Change in your childcare situation, continue childcare payments, cohort entry schools and other childcare information
Going overseas
Travelling or moving overseas may affect your payments.
Re-apply for Jobseeker Support, Sole Parent Support, Temporary Additional Support and more
Check or stop your payments, payment cards and other information
Check your debt, repayments and other debt information
Rights and responsibilities
Our commitment to you, obligations, complaints, benefit fraud and more
Housing homepage
Find out how we can help you with housing.
Nowhere to stay
Get help if you have nowhere to stay right now.
Find a house
Find out where to look for private housing, or apply for public (social) housing.
Living in your home
Get help with accommodation costs, and advice on any housing issues and public housing tenancies.
Moving house
Find out how we can help if you’re moving house.
Other languages
Read some of our housing information in other languages.
Respecting your information
We are committed to respecting your information and keeping it safe.
We know your information is very important and we take our commitment seriously.
We have systems and safeguards in place to control how we collect, manage and use your information. This helps us use your information appropriately and keep it safe.
How we keep your information safe
Principles for collecting and using information
The Ministry has a Privacy, Human Rights and Ethics framework. This is called the PHRaE.
The PHRaE gives us guidance on how to collect, use and distribute your information in a safe, respectful, and legally compliant way. It makes sure we:
- protect and value your privacy,
- recognise your human rights and treat you fairly, and
- helps us take an ethical approach in what we do with your information.
The PHRaE focuses on legislative and ethical considerations relating to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information including the application of the Privacy Act 2020, specific legislative provisions under which the Ministry may collect, use or disclose personal information, and the discrimination provisions of the Human Rights Act 1993. It also incorporates guidance relating to Te Tiriti o Waitangi / the Treaty of Waitangi, the Data Protection and Use Policy, and the Algorithm Charter for Aotearoa New Zealand.
Principles for data and analytics
We are committed to the following principles when dealing with your information:
- the Algorithm Charter of Aotearoa New Zealand, and
- the Privacy Commissioner and Government Chief Data Steward (from Statistics NZ) principles for the safe and effective use of data and analytics.
We have an openness and transparency programme. This makes sure that we are as open and transparent as possible about how we collect and use your information.
We've put information on our website, including this page, to explain how we collect, use and share your information.
We have a Research and Evaluation Ethics Committee. This Committee looks at all of our research and evaluation methods. It makes sure that all the research we do meets research ethics standards.
We make sure staff in the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) don't see your information if they don't need to. We do this by using data protection techniques.
This means we can focus on using your information in the best way to get the best outcome for you.
Our systems are secure and only people that need to use your personal information will have access to it. This includes when we store your information electronically in cloud computing systems.
We have a security certification and accreditation process that:
- helps us keep information safe and secure in our systems
- picks up any security risks in our systems and the way we use information
- makes sure the risks are managed well.
We regularly make backups of the information we have in our systems.
If you find a security issue
If you identify a security issue with our systems, please tell us so that we can get it fixed.
We train our staff so they know what is an appropriate and fair use of information. We do this when standards and expectations change.
If your privacy is breached
Your privacy could be breached because:
- we lose your information
- we accidentally tell someone about your information
- someone steals your information
- someone inappropriately accesses your information.
We take privacy breaches seriously. If your privacy is breached, we'll assess whether it might cause serious harm to you or others.
If we think there could be serious harm, we will:
- let you know so you can take steps to protect your privacy
- tell the Privacy Commissioner.
If there's a large group of people involved, we may not be able to contact each person directly. In this case, we'll make a public statement to tell people about the breach and what to do.