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Health and Disability
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Travelling overseas, how to apply, payment rates and dates, overseas pensions, income and other info for Seniors
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Urgent or unexpected costs
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Childcare, school uniforms, stationery, having a baby and other costs if you have children
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Benefits and forms
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What to provide when you apply for a benefit
When you apply for a benefit or other help from us, you need to prove who you are and that what you’ve told us is true.
You must provide original government-issued identity documents. We cannot accept copies, including certified copies.
When you apply, you'll need to provide the documents detailed below. If you are unable to provide these documents online, you can bring them into a service centre. We'll make a copy and add it to your file or application.
Any delay in providing these documents could result in a delay in paying you, or your application being cancelled.
What you need to provide:
You can watch this video to find out what to provide. There's also more information about exactly what documents you need below the video.
View transcript of 'What to provide when you apply for a benefit' video
Narrator [00:00:03]: If you're applying for a benefit, we'll need some documents from you. It might feel a bit overwhelming, but the sooner we can get these, the quicker we can get your payments sorted.
[A photo of a passport, birth certificate and driver licence appear, then a hand appears holding paper application forms. The screen changes to 2 women sitting at a desk and talking and a woman sitting at a desk and smiling at the camera.]
Narrator [00:00:13]: First things first - you need to show us a completed application. You can apply online or using a paper form. If you do it online, please note down your application reference number, so we can look it up later on.
[An animation of a completed application appears with a mouse pointer ticking boxes down the side of it. A photo of a laptop appears with an online application open on it. A hand holding various paper application forms appears on the right. A MyMSD application screen with the words 'Almost there' and a reference number.]
Narrator [00:00:28]: The next thing you need is proof of who you are. You might have verified your identity when you applied online, but if not, we need to see two identity documents that show your full legal name and date of birth. They also need to be government issued.
[A photo of a birth certificate, passport and driver licence appears. The words 'x2 Proof of identity' appear and the words 'Legal name' and 'Date of birth' appear under it with tick boxes next to them. A mouse pointer ticks the boxes.]
Narrator [00:00:43]: If you were born in Aotearoa New Zealand, you can use things like your birth certificate, passport or driver license. If you were born overseas you can use things like your passport, citizenship certificate or New Zealand Refugee travel document.
[An animation of New Zealand appears on the left and photos of a birth certification, passport and driver licence on the right. The screen changes and an animation of the world appears on the left, and icons and words for 'Passport', 'Citizenship certificate' and 'NZ refugee travel document' appear on the right.]
Woman in office [00:01:01]: So we need your original documents. Unfortunately we can't take copies, even if they're certified.
[A woman speaks to the camera, standing in an office next to a photocopier and holding a sheet of paper.]
Narrator [00:01:04]: If you don't have two government issued IDs, don't worry. Instead, you can use one government issued ID and another that proves your identity, like a letter from Inland Revenue, your marriage certificate, or your kiwi access card.
[A speech bubble appears with the words 'Don't have 2 government-issued IDs?' and a second speech bubble with the words 'Don't worry" and a smiley face. A hand holding up a passport appears on the left and then icons and words appear on the right saying 'Letter for Inland Revenue', 'Your marriage certificate' and 'Your Kiwi Access card'.]
Narrator [00:01:20]: Next, you'll need some documents to support your application. These documents help us figure out your payments, so they’re really important.
Woman sitting at desk [00:01:27]: Here's what you need.
Narrator [00:01:28]: We'll need your latest bank statement or a screenshot of your online banking. Your income for the last year. That may be your payslips or business accounts. Your cash assets for the last year, like savings in your bank account, trust documents, or share certificates. Your regular costs, like bills, a tenancy agreement, or higher purchase agreements. And if you have dependent children, you need their birth certificates and proof of any childcare you pay for. And finally, you need to show us some documents that are specifically for the type of benefit you're applying for. For example, if you're applying for Jobseeker Support, bring your CV.
[Animations of a bank statement, online banking on a cellphone. Animation of payslips and business accounts. Icons and words for 'Bank account', 'Trust documents' and 'Share certificates'. A pie chart with 3 equal sections in different colours, and a list with the words 'Bills', 'Tenancy agreement' and 'Hire purchase'. An animation of a child's face inside a square, and a list with the words 'Birth certificate' and 'Proof of childcare costs'. A woman standing in a Work and Income service centre, smiling and holding up an application form. A photo of a CV on a laptop.]
Narrator [00:02:11]: If you're not able to work right now, ask your health practitioner if they can send a medical certificate to us.
[An animation of a red cross inside a white circle. An animated document appears on the right with the words 'Medical Certificate' in a blue circle.]
Narrator [00:02:17]: There's a full list of what documents you need when you apply on our website.
[An animation of a list, with the words 'Full list available online' and a mouse pointer ticking boxes in the list. The screen changes and the logos for the Ministry of Social Development and Work and Income, and the words 'www.workandincome.govt.nz' appear.]